Learno.net, EJC, Logo,

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What are the fastest ways to learn data journalism? This was a question I was curious about and Mattias mentioned to me that he just heard about Learno.net. It is a MOOC, web courses platform for people and journalists who want to improve their internet research skills and, learn about the techniques of data journalism. Currently available are online courses about Google Search for Journalists, The Basics of Verification, Doing Journalism with Data and Managing Data Journalism Projects and there are also many upcoming courses. All of them are posted and delivered by media professionals such as Nicholas Whitaker, media outreach manager in Google News Lab or Claire Wardle, Buzz Feed Canada editor. All of the courses on Learno are free and, the only thing that you need to do is subscribe by providing an e-mail address and become a member. The teaching system is effective and, each lecture in the video is supported by graphics and diagrams to render the subject more understandable and easy. There are also exercises following up the lectures so, you can directly test how much you learned during these excellent courses if you like would to.

Great initiative by the European Journalism Centre (EJC)!