Newsletter: Join Nordic Open Data Week in Göteborg 30/5

Do you want to be involved in developing new smart services? Do you want to take part in inspiring seminars on digitization and open data? Then you should sign up for the Gothenburg event during the Nordic Open Data Week 2015. It is free and you can compete for great prizes. On May 30, 2015 […]

“The problem we have with surveillance isn’t really in big corporations”

Joakim Jardenberg – a Swedish Internet debater and an expert in social media shares his views on surveillance, Digital Single Market and mobile bullying. Jardenberg is a Head of Internet of Helsingborg since November 2013. He is a business angel who runs the company and the blog Mindpark. Moreover, he was an appointed “expert” to work […]

Divisions and definitions: Diversity versus Decline in the Open Knowledge Movement

This is simultaneously a reflection on the Open Knowledge Festival in Berlin and the whole “Open” movement. For a person with a sociologically inclined background I like to turn the mirror around at the participants of the event to contrast its disseminated content. Open Knowledge is an extremely diverse movement, and thus has a propensity for […]

Danmark återskapat i Minecraft genom Öppna Geodata!

Öppna data öppnar nya världar för värdeskapande! Finns det egentligen några gränser kan en fråga sig? Nu senast har Sveriges grannland Danmark återskapats i en Minecraft-variant. Detta är tack vare Geodatastyrelsen vid Miljöministeriet. Efter ett beslut som trädde i kraft 1 Januari 2013 har Danmark anammat en strategi för att öppna mer regeringsdata. Denna strategi kallas […]

An introduction to School of Data

  There is a great potential to use data, particularly open data in order to make the world a better place and improve the lives of citizens around the world. For instance, open data can be used to increase the transparency and accountability of governments.However, many of the groups who are closest to the problems […]

First OKFN Academic Event at KTH

OKFN starts its first Academic event from Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. If you are interested in Open Innovation, Open Design, this event is for you. “The Path Less Travelled: Traversing the Digital to Physical in Open Design”  by Dr. George Kuk, Nottingham University Business School Welcome to this seminar in which George will […]